8:30 am
9:30 am
AUSCIC Opening Ceremomy
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. - UNESA Rektor
Opening Speech
9.35 am
Keynote 1 - FISU Healthy Campus Project: Where are we now?
Mr. Paulo Ferreira - FISU Director General
10:05 am
Keynote 2: Ways to Promote Healthy Lifestyle in Campus
Mr. Seetow Cheng Fave - AUSF Secretary General
10.35 am
Photo Session & Coffee Break
10.45 am
Keynote 4: Improving Health and Well-Being on Campus: What is next?
Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Rusllim Mohamed - AUSC President
11.15 am
Forum Session & Q&A
12.35 pm
Lunch Break
1.35 pm
Parallel Sessions
3.35 pm
Coffee Break